Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prince Charming

She walks into the forest
as she has done everyday
since childhood.Her mind 
always wandering off into
far away places,she dreams
of a fairy tale coming true
like the story books her
mother read in the silence
of the night before bedtime.

She feels a passion that
she has to hold in,her prince
charming has not yet road
his horse to save her from
the prison she lives in,her
own mind keeps her a slave.
She searches for better days.

She is lost in her own world
of endless fears,tears to fall
as she wishes to find her own
way out of this world full of
pain.She can taste her prince
charming's lips now,sweet as
candy with the strength of his
tight embrace to hold her steady.

She is lost in her own thoughts
as she walks the forest she once
found so much peace in.She endures
the silence and ignores the passion
she wants to find from the candy
lips of her prince high up on his
horse she wishes to be,her heart

Bathsheba Dailey

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